Watch Bear Break Into House to Play Piano Todays Entertainment News

hey are scared of people but they also love food. While people aren’t present they can gain access the trash and eat it. The video below will demonstrate a bear who did more than just pick up trash. Contact the company that handles wildlife removal If you suspect that a bear is resident on your property. They will be able to safely remove the animal away.

The video begins with an empty house. But, if you glance at the video closely, you can see a dark coat of fur at the lower left corner portion of the picture. Though the fur ball disappears briefly from the frame but you still can see the chair moving slightly. In a flash the bear appears to leap into the middle of the room. It appears to be a young and adventurous black bear. It is likely after some food. It is evident that the bear watching the bear with interest for few seconds. The bear then gets situated on the piano stool and place its front paws onto the keys of the piano. The bear does not seemed to be frightened by the sounds keyboards make. The bear then proceeds to explore another area of the house.


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