Search Engine Optimization and You

If you are a business owner, you likely have made efforts to make a web presence for yourself. You know that when people are considering making a purchase, most utilize the web to do their research, learn about the product, and ask questions about the product. But, did you know that most search users never look past the first page of search results? If you want to get onto that first page, what can you do? Well, the first thing that you might think is that you should buy a sponsored ad, those are the first three links on a search. You would be disappointed to learn that most internet users skip those ads, preferring to go straight to the organic results. Luckily, there is search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization, as you may know, is the practice of making your website a certain way so that a search engine will index it higher. Search engine optimization works, because of the way search engines work. A search engine company uses programs called spiders to crawl through the web, jumping from link to link, looking for key words or phrases. These sites are indexed according to an algorithm that attributes importance to a website based on the location, frequency, and density of keywords. Then, when a user makes a search, the search engine gives them these results.

The basic practice of search engine optimization is to seed your content with the key words that people looking for your content are likely to look for, based on data received from Google, or other companies. Using a high density key word count in your content makes the spiders pay more attention to your site. Search engine optimization also uses backlinks to help make your content more visible.

If you would like to try using search engine optimization yourself, a search engine marketing company, will be able to set you up with the tools and information you need to get your website more traffic. A good online marketing company will help you increase your overall web presence using social media and social bookmarking tools, along with search engine optimization, to get your business to even more people.

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