There are few kinds of marketing as important as internet marketing. Millions and millions of people use the internet on a regular basis, so it pays for companies to do everything they can to increase the odds of being seen. With that said, search engines are among the most popular sites on the internet as well, and a good overall web presence combined with SEO marketing can help a company achieve the exposure it needs to succeed.
Amazingly, 92 percent of online adults in the United States perform at least one search per day. Google is by far the most influential search engine; they receive about 70 percent of the whole internet search engine market share. By investing in SEO marketing, a company can improve the chances of moving higher up on Google’s rankings, which take into account the quality of a site.
SEO marketing generally includes things like social media marketing, website creation and mobile optimization, and the operation of a company blog. The latter is more important than most people think; companies who blog have 434 percent more indexed pages, which results in more leads.
Overall, inbound leads like SEO cost 61 percent less than outbound leads, and have a 14.6 percent closure rate, compared to the less than 2 percent closure rate of outbound leads. Furthermore, 42 percent of internet search engine users click on the top-ranking organic result, and SEO marketing works to only create organic, high-quality content that improves their clients rankings on search engines.